Sunday, April 12, 2015

Falls Creek Exploration

     All college students are basically dead now, which Grumpy Cat would be pretty happy about. Last weekend was full of video-production work, editing together a short comedy sketch that was due Monday. And also filming a documentary, which used every drop of power in about four camera batteries, filled roughly six memory cards and wore out a flash drive. But it's mostly finished shooting, so that's something. It was a little weird, though, to be filming a documentary about cheerleading... The cheer team is in Daytona right now at some big competition, so it's gonna be focused on the lead-up to that with a short tag at the end telling how they did, etc. They were pretty helpful, explaining the differences between competition-cheer and ballgame-cheer, that kind of thing.

     The family went to the gun museum last Friday, so we had dinner together and went to Wal-Mart. That was good to see them. And Robbie called the other day, so we talked for a bit, guess they're doing all right. It was good to hear from her.

     I'm now halfway through season four of Parks and Rec(super awesome), and Tuesday's episode of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. more than made up for last week's snoozefest. (Also, I've accurately called three fairly-major main plot points, so that's cool.) And the Netflix show Daredevil came out Friday, not sure if I'll watch the whole thing, but I'll give it a try for sure.

     Me and Ash speculated on Marvel theories and debated the new movies coming this summer, texting each other while waiting for classes Tuesday morning, that was fun. (Age of Ultron will be unbelievable. Unsure on Ant-Man, but we'll see... Curious about what happened in Budapest, and the Winter Soldier needs to be in more movies.) Also texted Daniel, it was good to hear from him.

    The people from RSU's BCM talked me into going with them on a retreat-type thing this weekend, so that was different. (I heard "volleyball tournament" and figured that was worth exploring somewhere I'd never been with pretty-much-strangers. Yes, I really love volleyball.)
    So we were at Falls Creek, which is a kind of small city in south-central Oklahoma. High up in the Arbuckle Mountains, it's enormous. There's really no good description for what it is, exactly. Somewhat a city, somewhat a campground, somewhat a school campus and somewhat a park, I guess. There's lots of good scenery to look at, though. I hiked around a lot with a lot on my mind, which really I might do in any of those settings. There's a really weird hodgepodge of nature and man-made construction, and also of grandeur and squalor.
     Had breakfast yesterday with the NSU gang, which felt instantly homelike, and then went exploring around with Daniel P., Bucky and James. Also had breakfast with them today. (The Thunder Curse of 2014-15 is so terrible it's not only taken out almost every player we've had on the roster, but even Thabo Sefalosha, who's in Atlanta now, and Bucky, one of the most diehard fans I know. She had a fracture of the kneecap.) Daniel is a terrible wheelchair driver. But it was entertaining to watch. And by "exploring", that means "getting lost", which is something we're kind of experts at... Finding anything around there is something like our Sallisaw SWAT road trip. Me and James listened to seminars on car-pushing and - well, not actually pushing cars, but some of the sermons felt like that. The first breakout session we went to was on proper management of time and money, and the other was on planning worship services.
     James asked how RSU was while we were eating, I say, after thinking a bit, "It's...y'know, just another school." He then stage-whispers in Amber's ear, "And by that he means 'hell'." She laughs and nods. Exaggeration, but they know me pretty well. It's just different. And it's still college, so...yeah. Said hi to Bob and Deb, they seemed about as glad to see me as I was to see them. After they both gave out hugs, Deb said, questioning, "There's no chance you can't come back?" I don't know.
     Back to sort-of being a Hillcat again after lunch during the 2015 BCM state sand volleyball tournament. We had a first-round bye, playing SWOSU after the team they were supposed to play forfeited by failing to show up. Final score was Hillcats 21, Bulldogs 9. So it was on to the semifinals against TU. Communication errors were rampant, and TU had a couple people who played for their NCAA-official volleyball team. Those two facts played about equal roles in the 21-7 Hurricane win. So after watching other games for a bit, we asked if the SWOSU people wanted to just swat it around for a while. That was how the next three hours were spent; probably about nine games' worth of play were crammed into that space. My nose got a bit sunburned, but my serving was fairly-enough accurate(it was very windy) and passing/setting went well. I think ECU won the championship, but I'm not sure. Did some actual exploring with some of the folks from the volleyball team last night.
     I've slept eight hours since Friday night, because of ice-cold indoor temperatures and guys running around and slamming doors. Pretty sure there was jungle pong that I heard going on there someplace, too. Anyway, it added up to 11:30 p.m. to 3 a.m. Friday night woken up six times, and five straight hours last night from one to six. So I'm a little tired. And there's a lot of stuff to get done this week....
     I'm not sure that I liked it, but now I know what people are talking about when they say "Falls Creek this or that". (One of my first thoughts once we got there was April Ludgate's attitude towards camping.) There was over 800 students from all across the state attending, so that's a lot of people. The cabin we stayed at was basically a garage; but I got a ton of exercise, so that's good.

     Also, Glory and May both had kittens, so there's lots of feline fuzziness in the house right now, and plenty of love and caring from both of them, Rags, Captain and everybody.

     I'm gonna take a shower now and go back to homework...

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